Home > Chakra Healing > Free Chakra Healing
This simple, free chakra healing mini meditation will put you in touch with your body and leave you feeling grounded and ready for your next adventure. Let's get right to it shall we? Free printable affirmations for your chakras here... |
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Sit comfortably, in a chair or cross legged, quiet if possible, no
phones and somewhere you won't be disturbed. (it's totally ok to tell
everyone you're in a meeting by the way, you're with your most important
client- YOU)
At the start of each chakra, take a deep breath. Spend 2 minutes on each chakra. You'll need about 15 minutes in total.
Begin by feeling the ground under you, the surface you're sitting on. Think your way through the chair, the floor, the foundation of the building you're in until you've imagined all the way to the earth. Feel gravity holding you in place.
SPEAK.... silently or out loud for about 30 seconds.
AFFIRMATION: "I am safe, I am loved, I belong"
Place your hands on your belly, between your belly button and pubic bone. Feel the creation that this space is capable of, allow yourself to connect to your divine right to pleasure here and throughout your body.
SPEAK.... silently or out loud for about 30 seconds.
AFFIRMATION: "I easily feel pleasure in my body"
Placing your hands on, or just above your navel, imagine a swirling, yellow center. Your personal power resides here, without ego let yourself remember how powerful you are.
SPEAK.... silently or out loud for about 30 seconds.
AFFIRMATION: "I believe in my own personal power"
The heart chakra energy is love and compassion. Feel your heart beating and imagine it radiating a green light, bursting in all directions. Filling your chest, the room, penetrating the walls into the next space.
SPEAK.... silently or out loud for about 30 seconds.
AFFIRMATION: "I radiate love and compassion"
I'll share my own image of a strong throat chakra: When I am in my truth, my throat chakra image is a bright blue cylinder inside my neck. Glowing and pulsing with power.
SPEAK.... silently or out loud for about 30 seconds.
AFFIRMATION: "I proudly speak the truth of who I am"
With your fingertips, tap gently on this meridian, located between your brows. The awareness you feel here is a window to your inner knowing. Trust what you know when connected to this chakra. Woman's intuition.
SPEAK.... silently or out loud for about 30 seconds.
AFFIRMATION: "I trust my intuition"
Release the image of white light going from the crown of your head upwards. Be open and willing to experience a pure and easy connection with source energy, letting it guide your human experience.
SPEAK.... silently or out loud for about 30 seconds.
AFFIRMATION: "I am connected to the source of abundance"
Take a moment in gratitude for giving yourself this simple gift. Stand, take a deep breathe and gently stretch your arms upward. Feel your whole body smiling after this free chakra healing. Namaste goddess :)