Healing your Orange Chakra

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Your center of desire, creativity and pleasure, this orange chakra known as svadhisthana, is where all the juicy bits meet.

Also referred to as the sexual chakra, if things aren't harmonious here they won't be harmonious in the bedroom (or the coffee table, or the kitchen table.... teehee) either. As women we are inherently creative from creating life to making art.

We have waited generations for fulfillment and here it comes!

Sexy never left.... want it?

orange lotus flower

How to know

if your

second chakra needs attention?

You don't feel sexually fulfilled (remember this starts with you!)

You are hard on yourself and place too much importance on self-control.

Your creativity is blocked.

You have severe menstrual pain.

How to show your orange chakra some love?

Let's start with affirmations...

I joyfully accept pleasure in all forms

I easily access my creative flow and enjoy all that happens there

I proudly take charge of my own sensuality and sexuality

These are great anytime, anywhere, in your head, out loud, whatever ya got sister...

Saying affirmations before bed can be very powerful to as it plants them in your subconscious to marinate overnight.

Using aromatherapy to heal your sacral chakra:

Sandalwood, bitter orange, vanilla, pepper and myrrh... Get your hands on one or more of these, a diffuser and let the room fill with healing scents.

Always buy high quality oils, you can buy them one at a time like, lavender, patchouli, vanilla, etc or some are blended together for a specific purpose. Click here for a high quality sensuous blend.

colored bottles of oil

Remember, anything on your skin goes through your skin into your system so choose wisely and honor your beautiful self.

To learn more about this chakra, go here.

sacral chakra yoga

Yoga for your orange chakra:

Moving your body is always a good thing. You can find more ideas here for energizing this chakra. My favorite is probably “dancer's pose” also called “pose of shiva”.

I was drawn to this years before I even knew what it was. I would find myself with one hand on the kitchen counter doing this stretch and it felt so good.

My body knew what it needed, in those moments I listened! You have this wisdom too :)

Now go find something that brings you pleasure, just you.... does it involve chocolate? Dancing? Something-something bare skin? Go for it goddess!

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